
Hearts by mariux Android Live Wallpaper

Free Apk Files » Background Live Wallpapers

hearts by mariuxhearts by mariuxhearts by mariuxhearts by mariux
The description of Hearts by mariux: Excellent wallpapers for those who love romance. Beautiful sparkling hearts on the background which you can select from the available. Flowing animation and low power consumption. Your wealth. Game features:retro style graphicssimple system of controlsmany upgradesvarious mining tools..

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Feel the atm sfera of tenderness and love d to a d to! All the lovers be n tlove live these cute wallpapers. Application n can be set in the more devices and has animati..
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Purple hearts
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Fluffy hearts
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Wonderful wallpapers with bright pictures and animation n charming! Wide range of different pictures and saving mode power a. The device only together with these wallpap..
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Hearts сlock
Awesome analog clock in the shape of heart will decorate your desktop. Live wallpapers have several themes different settings and flowing animation.
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Cute wallpaper. bokeh hearts
Cute wallpaper. Bokeh hearts hearts very nice and lovely bokeh on a desk! The screen will have f cil vintage mood at the same time simple but refined in tell is or.
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