
Haso hasao chutkule (jokes) Android App

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The description of Haso hasao chutkule (jokes): Premium collection of popular jokes share to facebook friends and twitter followers go ahead and spread your favorite jokes with your reliable social network sms tool or by email. No need to find any websites for jokes now you can get huge collection of funny jokes in hindi at one place. This is the one stop app for hindi jokes. You can download once and enjoy this app offline anytime anywhere. . We look forward to your reviews in the app store. Improvements in detail: improved battery use indicator improved design for visualizing device status new privacy protection: remove location information hidden in your photos which can reveal your whereabouts to other people. Android 6 (marshmallow): make optimal use of the options in the new version of android designed for tablets: optimized for higher resolution and optimized display app works faster and more efficiently due to performance optimization minimized memory usage: we 39 ve reduced the size of the app againthank you for your suggestions and comments! Your feedback will help us improve simpli clean further..

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