
Guitar songs Android App

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The description of Guitar songs: Are you an amateur guitarist and you want to play your favorite song? Are you a professional who wants to keep all your chords and lyrics always in your pocket? How often do you have a situation when you are at a party and you want to play the guitar for your friends? And at this moment we always forget how to play our favorite songs. If you want to have a perfect concert it is very important for the guitarist to be able to play and sing a song at the same time. Furthermore it would be awesome if everyone around you could sing together! Especially for you we developed an unique application handy songbook with chords for guitar. In our application you will find everything you need for a musician a party or a friendly company! We made a research and found out that for the real musician it is not enough just to have a list of chords and lyrics a true musician should also not be distracted from the music if he wants to create a real masterpiece..

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