
Gom remote - remote controller Android App

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gom remote - remote controllergom remote - remote controllergom remote - remote controllergom remote - remote controller
The description of Gom remote - remote controller: Control the pc gom player and gom audio with the mobile phone! It is obviously possible to use wi fi under 3g lte environment stably also. Watch movies and listen to music more conveniently through the gom remote. In order to use gom remote you must install both the pc gom remote and the mobile app. Please install pc gom player version 2. 3. 5 pc gom audio 2. 2. 0 and up. Useful features 1. Gom remote and gom tray are completely free for anyone to download and use. 2. You can view files in the pc and execute searches through your mobile phone. When you click the 39 add to the playlist 39 button it will be added to the playlist. 3. It offers not only the basic player function but also snap shot screen size subtitle settings and even playback speed. 4. You can see the file currently being played at a glance. You can change the order of play by dragging the file upwards downwards and delete by pushing it sideways. ..

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