
Glimmer (luminous alarm clock) Android App

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glimmer (luminous alarm clock)glimmer (luminous alarm clock)glimmer (luminous alarm clock)glimmer (luminous alarm clock)
The description of Glimmer (luminous alarm clock): August 27 2016 : i had a crash on android 4. 4 devices and lower. It 39 s fixed in the new version 2. 0. 12 ! Please update the app :)this gorgeous software softly wakes you up. It turns on the screen 30 mins before the alarm with the darkest screen and increases slowly the brightness. ! All the features of this software are usable but an in app purchase allows you to customize everything ! (From only 1 ) in the middle of the process it can play birds sound and if you didn t wake up 1 minute after alarm time it plays a strong sound to be sure you don t miss. It also let the phone check the emails by turning the notification sound off and internet on. So when you wake up you don t have to wait to know what s new :)if you sleep in a dark room it really wakes you up with the light and if the phone points at you your wife doesn t wake up ! One more thing: this alarmclock is able to turn your phone in a night mode the evening and turn back in day mode the morning..

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