
Ghost box e1 spirit evp Android App

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ghost box e1 spirit evpghost box e1 spirit evpghost box e1 spirit evpghost box e1 spirit evp
The description of Ghost box e1 spirit evp: top new ghost hunting technology! This app is for hobbyist professional ghost hunters if you dont understand it then please dont rate it this app is spirit ghost box with real time generated white noise and evp made of custom audio source that is cut and shuffled. Features: evp (electronic voice phenomena) from your own audio files! White noise generator (real one no looped noise files). All options about generator evp may be changed while running! Additional recording option that may be turned on off anytime. Customization for recording filenames folder format (3gp wav 8000hz 11025hz 16000hz 22050hz 44100hz). Can work in background. Recordings: folder for recordings is set in options default is sd card. Its new derivative type of device known as spirit box or ghost box that is used by ghost hunters worldwide. Its only one app like this on market. Available audio sources for ghost spirit box evp: ..

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