
Full screen caller id hd Android App

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full screen caller id hdfull screen caller id hdfull screen caller id hdfull screen caller id hd
The description of Full screen caller id hd: Full screen caller id and caller locator ::now during call make your phone screen more beautiful and enjoy with all contact information feature very beautifully at one place. You can set photo of your friend on hisher contact to display in full screen during call and sms. After installing this app you will be able to customize caller screen also such as showing location and used network of caller. You can easily view caller location on google map in single touch after end of the call . Feature: full screen caller image during incoming outgoing missed call and messages. Gt answer the call by button on full screen customize caller image according to you. Gt easily save setting to view full screen notification of caller. Gt enjoy with some default images. Gt customize font style and color of caller name. Gt handle full screen notification with preferences. Gt google map feature available to locate caller location. ..

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