
Frozen memory game Android Game

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frozen memory gamefrozen memory gamefrozen memory gamefrozen memory game
The description of Frozen memory game: Frozen memory game is an application to help kids to increase their brain power by practice their memory about some picture and its location. This game can improve your kids memory skills to develop their concentration and cognition skills. They will love this game because its very fun and interesting.How to play :1. Select the number of cards you want to play2. Select the game mode. If you want to play by using time select best time mode and the normal mode to play without time .3. Specify the number of players who want to play (1 or 2 players)4. Tap on one of the card remember the location and the picture on it5. Tap on another card find the same picture as the one on the card before. If the pictures on the both memory cards are same they will dissapear and you can continue with the next pair. Otherwise both cards will flip back over and you will get another try. Try to find all matched cards as fast as possible...

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