
Free greek by nemo Android App

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The description of Free greek by nemo: Nemo is designed to start you speaking the most useful words in greek immediately and confidently. With millions of downloads from around the world nemo is now available for android phones and tablets. Every greek word is pronounced clearly in high quality audio from a native speaker. All audio is downloaded to your device and is available offline or in airplane mode. Master your accent with the speech studio. Simply record yourself saying a phrase and then hear your voice next to the teacher s . Then try again. You ll be amazed how quickly your foreign accent melts away. Nemo is not built around lessons at all. It is meant to be picked up throughout the day whenever you have a few minutes to spare. No prior knowledge of greek is required. Nemo targets the words and phrases most often used in conversation. For beginners we ve prepared if you only learn 10 things if you only learn 50 things and if you only learn 100 things lists for a fast introduction to the essentials..

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