
Fraction calculator plus free Android App

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The description of Fraction calculator plus free: I 39 m fraction calculator plus and i 39 m the best and easiest way to deal with everyday fraction problems. Whether you 39 re checking homework preparing recipes or working on craft or even construction projects i can help: wish you could find the time to check your kids 39 math homework? Now checking fraction math takes just seconds. Need to adjust recipe quantities for a larger guest list? Let me adjust your cup and teaspoon quantities. Working on a craft or home project in inches? Stop double or triple calculating on paper let me do it once accurately. I 39 m attractive and effective and i make great use of either a phone or tablet display: i show your calculations in crisp clear elegant type that you can read at a glance from a distance. My innovative triple keypad display lets you type fast! (Entering three and three quarters takes just 3 taps! ). Every fraction result gets automatically reduced to its simplest form to make your job easy..

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