
Forex calendar, market & news Android App

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forex calendar, market & newsforex calendar, market & newsforex calendar, market & newsforex calendar, market & news
The description of Forex calendar, market & news: if youre a forex trader our app is a must! Everything you need to track analyze and stay up to date with your forex portfolio and the forex markets on the go. Join the hundreds of thousands of other traders already using our app. Brought to you by myfxbook the leading social forex community with over one million trading accounts connected! What makes us the best forex app youll ever use? A complete view of your forex portfolio including watched accounts. A live forex calendar with complete event data notifications custom alerts and widget. Live streaming rates for over 60 forex currency pairs and commodities. Live forex charts with technical analysis and indicators. Live forex patterns analysis. Live forex news. Live price notifications. Live community outlook with custom notifications. Calculators to help you plan your trades. Simple intuitive and lightning fast user interface..

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