
Flying gorilla Android Game

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flying gorillaflying gorillaflying gorillaflying gorilla
The description of Flying gorilla: If you are familiar and like with the game as a flappy bird flappy birds flappy fish flappy cyrus flappy wings flappy fall floppy bird floppy fish floppy pig floppy turd floppy frog floppy fall flying cyrus flying drizzy flying bird flying bieber flying drake flappy doge and clumsy bird then i am very sure you also will be very happy with this game. Because this game more addictive and more fun than the games mentioned above.Install and play this game right now and feel the sensation and feel how much fun playing this game.Warning!!! : We are not responsible for the side effect of playing this game. These plays can make you addicted and lost track of time because it was so addictive this game :)how to play? : Tap to start the game and make this gorilla fly up and down let him fly past the pillars that block. The more pillars you pass the better and make the higher your score.Enjoy the app and dont forget please to rate 5 star this app.Fee..

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