
Flipbook viewer Android App

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flipbook viewerflipbook viewerflipbook viewerflipbook viewer
The description of Flipbook viewer: flipbook viewer allows you to download and read digital publications created with the 3d issue software (v6 or higher) on your android device. With flipbook viewer you will be able to download digital magazines to the app and view them wherever and whenever suits you best. Once the magazine has been downloaded you don 39 t need an internet connection to read it so you can download them over wi fi and you won 39 t have to worry about your data! Read your favorite magazines in your phone or tablet and enjoy the audio video and animations the same way you would in your desktop. Quot flipbook viewer provides: html5 flip magazine view rich media: audio video (incl. Youtube integration) web and email links download for offline viewing social network sharing: facebook twitter google+ and email zoom to a larger view portrait and landscape view search for keywords and phrases change of viewing settings..

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