
Flightaware flight tracker Android App

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flightaware flight trackerflightaware flight trackerflightaware flight trackerflightaware flight tracker
The description of Flightaware flight tracker: Free live flight tracker and flight status app from flightaware for android! This app allows you to track the real time flight status and see the live map flight track of any commercial flight worldwide and general aviation (private charter etc) in the united states and canada. Track by aircraft registration route airline flight number city pair or airport code. Tracking data includes complete flight details and full screen maps with nexrad radar overlay. Receive real time push notification flight alerts view airport delays see nearby flights (in the sky overhead) and more! Permission to access your contacts is used only when you choose to create a flight alert to be sent to another person. We do not store or transmit your contacts list in any other way. Please send your feedback to support android ..

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