
European health insurance card Android App

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european health insurance cardeuropean health insurance cardeuropean health insurance cardeuropean health insurance card
The description of European health insurance card: Guide on how to use the european health insurance card in the 28 eu countries iceland lichtenstein norway and switzerland. It includes general information about the card emergency phone numbers covered treatments and costs how to claim reimbursement and who to contact in case you have lost your card. Available in 25 languages with easy option to switch from one language to another. Note: card cannot be generated or downloaded for use. Cards are issued free by your national health insurance provider. It does not replace travel insurance. Note: when using the application for the first time some data needs to be downloaded (approx. 25mb). You will be charged for this according to your internet connection. We recommend that you download all data before travelling abroad. Https: watch? V oriwlmnstx4..

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