
Emergency lights Android App

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emergency lightsemergency lightsemergency lightsemergency lights
The description of Emergency lights: This is the ultimate police car simulator. Simulates the flashing lights with siren sound report. With emergency lights you can use your device to simulate a police car! ! Great for tricking your friends scaring neighbours or crashing parties! ! ! Flashing lights includes: red lights: entire screen flashes red blue lights: entire screen flashes blue red blue: top of screen flashes blue bottom flashes red alternating: entire screen flashes red and then flashes blue. Attention: do not use in real life or for real life emergencies. Sounds include: wail: sound of a police car siren yelp: another siren sound everything: sound of several different police cars european: sound of a european police car german: sound of a german police car italian: sound of an italian police car french: sound of a french police car japanese: sound of a japanese police car dutch: sound of a dutch police car none: no sound..

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