
Educational game for kids-1 Android App

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educational game for kids-1educational game for kids-1educational game for kids-1educational game for kids-1
The description of Educational game for kids-1: Games that teach your child recognize objects or things around us. Among other things recognize numbers recognize letters of the alphabet recognize the type of animal familiar fruits recognize shapes know the type of color and familiar means of transportation. Equipped math module consists of the operations of addition subtraction multiplication and division and also features a writing module. Hope it is useful : us dollar (usd) euro (eur) pound sterling (gbp) canadian dollar (cad) swiss franc (chf) australian dollar (aud) japanese yen (jpy) indian rupee (inr) chinese yuan (cny) uae dirham (aed) afghan afghani (afn) albanian lek (all) armenian dram (amd) netherlands antillian guilder (ang) angolan kwanza (aoa) argentine peso (ars) aruban florin (awg) bosnia herzegovina convertible..

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