
Easy copy -the smart clipboard Android App

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easy copy -the smart clipboardeasy copy -the smart clipboardeasy copy -the smart clipboardeasy copy -the smart clipboard
The description of Easy copy -the smart clipboard: The fastest way to copy paste in all your apps! With easy copy you will save time with your copy paste! Enjoy your smart clipboard! Note: unfortunately the facebook app does not authorize the copy function to copy messages comments or statuses so you will not be able to use easy copy to get around that limitation. But you can check out our other app universal copy that goes around that limitation for facebook instagram tumblr... Http: bit. Ly universal copy lifehacker: easy copy will appear like an actually useful clippy : using the app is incredibly simple 20 unique android apps that offer incredible functionality easy copy has 3 main features to improve the standard android copy paste feature: copy in 1 tap to perform quick actions (translate locate share ) from all the apps an enhanced clipboard to save your copied items and manage your favorites a paste feature accessible from all your apps which allows you to paste anything from your clipboard in 1 tap copy:in all your apps the easy copy popup will appear whenever you copy something allowing you to select quick actions: locate in google maps send by text or email call the number translate with google translate create an event modify the text you copied (very useful in hangouts when you only want to copy part of a message! ) Share (when not already implemented in the given application) add your own custom actions to open any app enhanced clipboard:easy copy automatically saves everything you copy..

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