
Drudge report on droid Android App

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drudge report on droiddrudge report on droiddrudge report on droiddrudge report on droid
The description of Drudge report on droid: Drudge on droid is the best and easiest to use drudge reader on google play and the only one with a widget and tablet ui. Easily read articles and see images watch videos from the drudge report specifically formatted for your mobile device. Articles are parsed and formatted in a readability like manner. Share the articles with friends by sms email twitter facebook etc. Use the share option from the options menu or from the action bar. When sharing the link is prepopulated and you can add some personal text at the end. A widget is also included that can scroll through the latest links. Note: if you receive an error loading a link you may be able to use the view original button in the action bar to load the article. The formatter still has a few issues with certain web sites. Join the beta community at (https: plus. U 0 communities 117013283658744326998) and help test the next version of the app..

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