
Distance to here free Android App

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distance to here freedistance to here freedistance to here freedistance to here free
The description of Distance to here free: Distance to here is a simple android application to calculate the distance between two locations and the estimated travel time by one of the following methods: driving walking or straight line distance. Useful for mileage calculation! Acceptable inputs are any google aware location address city state zip country etc. The address fields will auto complete and offer suggestions as you type. If it is not possible to get there by the selected method the app will let you know by presenting a message . The result can be displayed in either miles or km depending on your preference. There is also a button in the app to launch google maps with the selected origin and destinations and get directions. This feature is only enabled in the paid version of the app. New to version 1. 5 a get current location button! For those of you who occasionally find yourself temporarily misplaced (lost) this feature will pin point where you are! To save the life of your battery if your location is not returned to the app within 15 seconds the request for your location will time out..

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