
Cs: global offensive guns Android App

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cs: global offensive gunscs: global offensive gunscs: global offensive gunscs: global offensive guns
The description of Cs: global offensive guns: Counter strike: global offensive guns! Comes complete with all the main weapons and all their authentic sounds used in the fun and classicly updated new game (includes both terrorists and anti terrorists). This is a special elite soundboard app that has semi and automatic weaponry sounds. Now supports shake and vibrate! The following weapons are included in this soundboard application: glock 18 p250 five seven desert eagle dual berettas tec 9 p2000 nova xm1014 sawed off mag 7 mac 10 mp7 ump 45 pp bizon p90 mp9 mp7 ump 45 pp bizon galil ar ak 47 ssg 08 sg 553 awp g3 sg 1 famas m4a4 aug scar 20 m249 negev knife zeus x27stats and info will come at a later date. If you have any requests please email us at lipapps. Android . We 39 re your number 1 source for gun info. Check out our other gun apps: black ops 2 guns halo 4 guns mystery box guns cs: global offensive guns mw..

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