
Constitution of india with mcq Android App

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constitution of india with mcqconstitution of india with mcqconstitution of india with mcqconstitution of india with mcq
The description of Constitution of india with mcq: Entire constitution of india is available in english and hindi language is neatly categorized into user friendly categories viz. Preamble parts articles schedules and amendments as notified by govt. Of india. Available in offline mode (no internet required) contains offline mcq s (multiple choice questions) polity ebooks (ncert nios) are available in hindi and english medium for one click download online notes and articles to boost your upsc ias preparation. Option to add articles schedules etc to favorites list for quick access. App is specially designed for students pursuing law or legal degree and preparing for civil services examinations. Contains all the provisions of the indian constitution with all the amendment carried out till date. (Till 101st one hundred and first amendment) allows you to save and share any article schedule amendment or a piece of text (selected by you) via various text sharing appsplease give 5 stars if you are satisfied with our efforts..

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