
Columbitech mobile vpn client Android App

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columbitech mobile vpn clientcolumbitech mobile vpn clientcolumbitech mobile vpn clientcolumbitech mobile vpn client
The description of Columbitech mobile vpn client: Please note: the columbitech mobile vpn client will need columbitech mobile vpn server software to be installed in your network. Please contact info to get help with an account on a demo server or to get help to set up your own columbitech mobile vpn patible devices:this release supports android 4. 0+ devices. Columbitech mobile vpn always connected. Always securecolumbitech mobile vpn is not just another vpn it is the industry 39 s only solution built from the ground up to provide optimal performance in today 39 s dynamic mobile world. Columbitech offers all the advantages of a traditional vpn but with additional features providing an exceptional user experience. Always connectedonce you connect you will be connected until you decide to disconnect. With built in session persistence there is no need to re authenticate or restart the application after lost signal change of network type or waking up your device from sleep mode..

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