
Clue - period tracker Android App

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clue - period trackerclue - period trackerclue - period trackerclue - period tracker
The description of Clue - period tracker: Clue is a female health app that uses science and data to help you discover the unique patterns in your cycle. It reminds you about your period pms and fertile window. Clue is rated as the top free menstrual tracking app by the journal obstetrics gynecology a publication of the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists (acog). Use clue to:+ know when your next period is coming. + Get reminders before your next period pms and fertile window. + Discover the unique patterns of your cycle . + Track sex pain moods cervical fluid birth control pills and more. + Connect with partners friends and family to open up the conversation about menstrual health. Clue also includes:+ the guarantee of no flowers butterflies euphemisms or pink ever. + In depth information about the menstrual cycle complete with medical and scientific references. + 28 tracking categories including period cramps emotions skin hair sleep exercise energy cravings and more..

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