
Cloud mail.ru Android App

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The description of Cloud mail.ru: Cloud mail. Ru for android a free service for saving photos videos music presentations documents and other files. With cloud mail. Ru all your photos will always be at hand. Upload your files to your cloud drive and they will automatically be available on all your devices. Upload photos from your mobile phone. Adjust the automatic save to disk in your cloud camera uploads. In order to save bandwidth it is recommended to perform downloads while connected to a wi fi. Free up space on your device: all your images are already saved in the cloud. Share files and folders with friends and colleagues in just one click. Save bandwidth you can send a link to a image video or document by sms e mail instant messenger or through a social network. Cloud mail. Ru for android allows you to watch videos (including the most popular video formats: avi mkv mp4 mov wmv) and listen to music..

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