
City quiz - guess the city Android Game

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city quiz - guess the citycity quiz - guess the citycity quiz - guess the citycity quiz - guess the city
The description of City quiz - guess the city: The most popular city quiz finally has arrived in your country. The concept is simple you have 4 photos and you must guess which city they are! How many will you be able to recognise? Come and test your geography skills! Only 1. 5 of players have managed to finish the game! Play it nowwhether you are on a plane at your place or even at work you can take part in the fun and build your memory! The only rule: guess the city! Cities from all over the world! No sign upplay offlineunlimited fun hundreds of cities available! New cities added regularly in real time. No need to update to continue playing! A continuous challenge able to find all the cities? Some levels too easy? Don 39 t worry the next ones will be much harder :)like us on facebook to be aware about our releases. Link: http: on. Fb. Me 1cu04v3..

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