
Cigarette counter Android App

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The description of Cigarette counter: This application will allow you to follow your smoking day by day. By clicking each cigarette smoked you will be able to see your total per day week month your average consumption of tobacco for these periods and the cost linked to your smoking habit. Some graphs are available to keep track your consumption during the week and month some others are there to show you history over the last 6 weeks months. This application is an opensource app in beta version if you find some bugs don 39 t hesitate to send a mail at bug cigarettecounter eryos. Fr ( in french or english please :) )charts are generated with google chart api (code. Apis chart ) a network access is needednext changes : ui update add import option ( from flat file first ) export import to xml files increase the number of languages handled widget supporti 39 m currently looking for translators to increase and upgrade translations handled so feel free to contact me at bug cigarettecounter eryos..

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