
Catch the santa gift Android Game

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catch the santa giftcatch the santa giftcatch the santa giftcatch the santa gift
The description of Catch the santa gift: A christmas game for the little ones. Christmas is known for the christmas cake christmas carols and christmas gifts from santa. Acartoonic christmas game for the kids. Let your kids gather as many gifts as possible from the santa.The catch the santa gift app works on motion sensor. There is a fat santa sitting on the crescent moon.There is huge sack of gifts that the santa holds in his hands dropping gifts one by one. There is a kid with a gift box in his hand below .The little kid slides across the screen and collects the gifts dropped by the santa. Catch as many gifts as possible by sliding the kid. The game has three modes slow medium and fast. The kids would love the game as the characters are lovable to all the kids. Download the free android game for this christmas. Catch your free gift by downloading the app on play store...

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