
Cars photo and logo quiz Android Game

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cars photo and logo quizcars photo and logo quizcars photo and logo quizcars photo and logo quiz
The description of Cars photo and logo quiz: cars quiz a great opportunity to test your knowledge about automotive industry! Combine fun with learning show your knowledge and speed: guess car brand logos match the model name of the car to the appropriate brand write the name of the vehicle model based on pictures select the correct country of origin of the automaker. Cars photo and logo quiz features: 14 levels! Ranking of the best players! 75 cars photo to guess 94 logos to recognize and guess 100 auto models names to match the correct brand 75 automobile brands names to match the correct country helpful hints! Earnd new hints by unlocking new levelsso do not wait any longer and install this cars trivia game and have fun! Our facebook page:https: paridaemobile disclaimerall car logos shown in this logo game are protected by copyright and or registered trademarks. This app not anyone associated with it claims any ownership (copyright or otherwise) of any logos used in this app..

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