
Candy crush soda air theme Android App

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candy crush soda air themecandy crush soda air themecandy crush soda air themecandy crush soda air theme
The description of Candy crush soda air theme: King together with airthemes presents the candy crush soda sagatm theme! Download this theme and totally customize your android device with really cool interactive features. Sweet! Candy crush soda saga theme features: tasty! Lock screens with candy and sounds from the game a live screen wallpaper with kimmy as the main character to keep you company fully customised candy crush soda saga icons set interactive menus and widgets easy access to the official and of course to your favorite gameall these features are included in one simple install just download and follow the onscreen instructions. For the lock screen to work you will need to disable any native android lock screens. This is done in android settings under screen lock menu item (make sure it is set to none ). Already a fan of candy crush saga? Like us on facebook or follow us on twitter for the latest news: candycrushsoda by downloading this launcher you are agreeing to our terms of service http: about..

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