
Campus crush Android Game

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The description of Campus crush: Welcome to your freshman year on campus. You 39 ve managed to get into lockwood university the most esteemed college in the state. But will you make friends? Will you find love? And what will you uncover about your mysterious scholarship? All of that is up to you as you choose your way through this interactive story. Flirt with guys and try to find a date for the formal! Make friends and try to get into the best sorority on campus! Note: this is just a short sneak preview of campus crush for you to try. If you already have the episode choose your story app you should read the full version of campus crush there. Supports tablets! Please note that campus crush is free to play but you are able to purchase game items with real money. If you want to limit the ability to make in app purchases you may create a pin in the settings menu from within the google play store..

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