
Camera360 lite - selfie camera Android App

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camera360 lite - selfie cameracamera360 lite - selfie cameracamera360 lite - selfie cameracamera360 lite - selfie camera
The description of Camera360 lite - selfie camera: Camera360 lite is a fully featured and completely free beauty camera app for android. Also it is a lite version of camera 360 with the smallest package(4mb) light and run fastcamera 360: the best beauty camera ranked no. 1 on photography charts in 7 countries with over 600 million loyal users. Now you can experience faster camera360 function in the camera360 lite camera360 lite highlights fast and handy install this lightweight app quickly and easily on any network . It 39 s less than 4 mb camera360 lite is a lightweight app that performs well on all android devices with this hd camera you can experience faster camera 360 function beauty camera for candy selfies say goodbye to fake faces and start taking perfect image using beauty camera for candy selfies that makes your pictures more natural and beautiful! Take candy selfie with our beauty camera. With over a dozen beauty presets and filters on the hd camera you can pick and choose how your skin and face looks with just one tap! With numerous photo filters and photo effects you can make candy selfies on beauty camera and share the unique images as well as perfect selfie pictures to facebook instagram twitter and other social platform..

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