
Bwom: pelvic floor health Android App

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bwom: pelvic floor healthbwom: pelvic floor healthbwom: pelvic floor healthbwom: pelvic floor health
The description of Bwom: pelvic floor health: strengthen your pelvic muscles improve your intimate health and sex and prevent pelvic pain with bwom your app for pelvic floor health and wellness created by specialists for your condition! Bwom is the best female health app on the market perfect for women who want to take care of their core and pelvic floor. In every stage of your life get customized exercise plans adapted to fit your life stage and symptoms and a blog with exclusive content on intimate health and inspiration . Is your pelvic floor causing you problems? Take the test and evaluate your pelvic and sexual health. Enjoy your personalized routine of kegel exercises and other pelvic muscles exercises abdominals all you need to strengthen your soft belly and deal with incontinence and urine leakage. All you need is 10 minutes to train your core muscles daily doing kegels and hypopressive exercises..

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