
Breastfeeding tracker baby log Android App

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breastfeeding tracker baby logbreastfeeding tracker baby logbreastfeeding tracker baby logbreastfeeding tracker baby log
The description of Breastfeeding tracker baby log: Baby nursing breastfeeding trackeris a simple and intuitive app to help you keep track of your baby 39 s nursing progress and more! Our easy to use timer lets you track your nursing records real time. Simply press start and stop ! And if you have started a timer and leave the app you will receive a notification to remind you to stop the timer! View detailed and useful info of your nursing progress such as the most recent nursing daily averages and accumulative totals! We even help you calculate how much in ounces you have fed your baby! Enter how much your baby weighs either before or after feeding or enter an estimate of ounces per minute and we will do the calculations for you! Track your baby 39 s growth progress! Record your baby 39 s height weight and head size and we plot all those data onto a growth chart for you! Use our diary feature to record and review..

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