
Bookmate — reload your reading Android App

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bookmate — reload your readingbookmate — reload your readingbookmate — reload your readingbookmate — reload your reading
The description of Bookmate — reload your reading: enjoy 850 000 subscription books 50 000 free books! New titles bestsellers classics business books and more. Get recommendations from friends experts and editors. Read across mobile tablet and desktop devices. Keep your books quotes and notes with you. Thousands of books. One monthly fee. With a bookmate subscription you ll have access to a huge library stacked with bestsellers all time classics business books and more in english spanish or one of 10 other languages . Even our free account offers 50 000 books! Smart suggestions. Experts and other booklovers create themed bookshelves. Browse them subscribe and receive regular updates. Bookmate also makes recommendations based on your preferences the books you added to your reading list. The more you read the more accurate our recommendations! Sharing stories. Friends are great at recommending books you ll love. With bookmate you can keep up with what they re reading and find new friends with similar interests..

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