
Book collection & catalog Android App

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book collection & catalogbook collection & catalogbook collection & catalogbook collection & catalog
The description of Book collection & catalog: Are you a voracious book reader? Do you have trouble keeping track of all your books? Manage your book catalog with this app. Keep track of your book collection along with personal ratings and notes. Check to see if you already own a book on your phone while you 39 re out shopping. Features import your books in csv format. Use the bulk bar code scan option to enter your books by quickly scanning the barcode on the cover with your phone 39 s camera. Remember the books you want to buy using the wish list. Backup your book catalog data to the server. If you lose your phone or upgrade to a new phone just import your collection to the new phone so you don 39 t have to re enter everything. Track statistics about your books like total number of books tracked average rating most often read number of books tracked by genre. Free version contains ads..

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