
Battery widget hd Android App

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battery widget hdbattery widget hdbattery widget hdbattery widget hd
The description of Battery widget hd: Battery widget hd is simple clear widget which shows you the actual device battery level on your home screen. It can also provide you detailed information about your battery when you click on it.You can choose between small (1x1 cell) or big (2x1 cell) battery widget. It supports tablets (high definition screens hd) and smartphones. It looks stunning on any kind of mobile device!Battery widget will not drain you battery.How to install:method 1: 1. Go to your home screen . 2. Press menu button. 3. Select add widget battery widget small bigmethod 2: 1. Go to your home screen. 2. Long press on empty screen space. 3. Select widgets battery widget small bigmethod 3: 1. Go to your home screen. 2. Press menu button. 3. Select arrange widgets add widget battery widget small big..

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