
Baby d-day widget Android App

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baby d-day widgetbaby d-day widgetbaby d-day widgetbaby d-day widget
The description of Baby d-day widget: Baby d day widgetinforms about the birthdate and the anniversary of the babywith simple registration of baby informationthe days months weeks and age of the babymay be checked automatically every day. The important anniversaries are automatically registeredto receive alarms. The baby memo functions allow memosand biorhythms to be checked without additional inputs. It is easy and convenient to use and allows easy checking of information. Check how old the baby isand have happy and healthy life with your baby! Main functions display baby photo and basic information show number of days show number of months (x months and x days) show age show constellation various widget sizes(2x1 2x2 4x2 5x2) function to view main d days of anniversaries quick memo function biorhythm function anniversary function notification bar fixation function supports 16 different themes add main photo slide show function backup recovery function..

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