
Awd - php/html/css/js ide Android App

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awd - php/html/css/js ideawd - php/html/css/js ideawd - php/html/css/js ideawd - php/html/css/js ide
The description of Awd - php/html/css/js ide: only several days discount on full version. Get it via in app purchase! Android web developer (awd) is a ide (integrated development environment) for web developers. Supports next language and formats: php css js html json. Android web developer will turn your android tablet with keyboard into a real development box. Android web developer will turn your android phone into a small development computer to browse and touch your code on the go. Greate app for those who want to learn to program! It a unique mobile software for web developers. It allows you to create your own html php javascript css and other pages or edit already existing. Also you can manage work with remote projects through ftp ftps sftp webdav as well as managing your local files and folders. Main features: support all major web languages and formats: php javascript css html a lot of ways to reach your project ( ftp ftps sftp webdav and growing) integration with web server code highlighting autodetection of file 39 s encoding code completion error checking hardware keyboard support (e..

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