
Auto bluetooth Android App

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The description of Auto bluetooth: Autobluetoot recently got an award 4 out of 5 stars from androidmag. De and was printed in their magazine dez jan 2013. If you recieve a call this app will enable bluetooth automatically and connect to your device of choice. As soon as you end the call the application will disable bluetooth again. This is for example very useful while in a car or if your hands are full. Bluetooth will run only on your phone if you need it and you can improve your battery lifespan tremendous with just installing auto bluetooth. Functions: automatically turn bluetooth on and off on ingoing calls widget app2sdworks with any kind of bluetooth device such as hands free kits fse headsets and many more. Just try it and help us to improve the app it 39 s totally adfree. If you like the app please buy our donate version : https: market. Details? Id papers. Ch. Autobluetoothdonatepage: http: papers..

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