
Auto app2sd : app manager Android App

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auto app2sd : app managerauto app2sd : app managerauto app2sd : app managerauto app2sd : app manager
The description of Auto app2sd : app manager: Auto app2sd helps to save internal storage of phone. Your phone have to has an external sd card mounted. Please don 39 t put single . We have limited device to test. We are trying to satisfied you. This application notify users when a new movable application is installed and helps you to move app to sd. This helps user to free some internal storage and increase android phone performance. Application is very lightweight. Gt shows list of all movable applications. Gt can move applications from internal storage to sd and vice versa through settings. Gt for root auto move app without user interaction. Gt can move multiple applications. Gt direct move applications from phone to sd and vice versa for rooted device. Gt shows sd icon if application already installed in sd card. Gt show notification when movable application installs. Gt select all applications with one tap sort item name size added enable disable notification..

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