
Audio books in english Android App

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audio books in englishaudio books in englishaudio books in englishaudio books in english
The description of Audio books in english: Free audio books for all the schoolsyou will find many books used in middle and high schools: includes all the english novels prescribed by cbse academic curriculum 2014 1015. Many english classic audiobooks. Player:listen save resume chapters read text easy navigationaudio version: voice is synchronized with text listen read at the same time! Free text to speech voices: you can choose pitch read speed and type (us uk canada). More books coming soon...Aesop aesop 39 s fablesalcott louisa little womenandersen hans christian andersen 39 s fairy talesausten jane emmaausten jane pride and prejudiceausten jane sense and sensibilitybarrie j. M. Peter panbaum l. Frank the wonderful wizard of ozbierce ambrose present at a hanging and other ghost storiesbierce ambrose the damned thingbierce ambrose the parenticide clubblackwood algernon the damnedblackwood algernon the..

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