
Apk safe Android App

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The description of Apk safe: Apk safe is an app that saves the apk of apps on your device when they are updated.Later you can install one of the saved apk to upgrade downgrade your app.How to use it: long press an app in the list. The app is selected and you can add more apps in the selection. Press the add button in the action bar apk safe will saves the apk of the selected apps and each time you update (manually or from a store) one of these apps the new apk is saved as well. To change the version of an app (there is a green mark at the left of the card) press it. A popup will list the backup apks of that app and you can select one of them to replace the currently installed one. If you downgrade and app on android 4.2 and later the app will uninstall it first.The app doesnt requires root butyoull get more features (silent install downgrade without loosing data)..

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