
Antique telephone rings Android App

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antique telephone ringsantique telephone ringsantique telephone ringsantique telephone rings
The description of Antique telephone rings: Antique telephone ringtones brings 45 free ringtones and sounds to your android device. Personalize the default ringtone the ringtone for a specific contact the notification (email and text) sound and the alarm sound. Press the telephone themed button to preview the loud and clear ringtone or sound. Press and hold (longpress) for features. This easy to use application will make you want to personalize your android phone again and again depending upon your moods the seasons the holidays etc ... Use the icon button at the top of the screen to check out our other ringtone apps to help you personalize your android device 39 s sounds even more. Best of all its free! (Banner ad supported)antique telephone ringtones features: 45 loud and clear antique telephone ringtones or sounds 45 telephone themed animated buttons press and hold to set default ringtone the ringtone to a specific contact the notification sound or the alarm sound icon button to access the other jrj unlimited ringtone applications to personalize your phone even more freeany and all permissions are either for application performance or advertiser performance..

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