
Airport bus parkingsimulator Android Game

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airport bus parkingsimulatorairport bus parkingsimulatorairport bus parkingsimulatorairport bus parkingsimulator
The description of Airport bus parkingsimulator: 3d airport bus parking simulator is an other parking game in the series of parking at airport by whacky studios. On this airport game u need to park bus safely from one terminal to an other. You need to avoid different vehicles on the airport so that u can reach to the desired goal safely. This is a realistic 3d parking game if you like to drive heavy vehicles like bus truck and airplane than u are going to love this game. This game will make u learn how to park a bus on the airport . You think its easy to park a bus like car? No its very difficult to park bus than car and parking it on air port is much more harder but this will be a great fun and you are going to find it challenging too because as an air port bus driver its your duty to guide the passengers to the terminal safely. After landing they need to pick up there bags sit in the bus and continue there journey towards terminal..

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