
Air hid :wifi mouse & keyboard Android App

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air hid :wifi mouse & keyboardair hid :wifi mouse & keyboardair hid :wifi mouse & keyboardair hid :wifi mouse & keyboard
The description of Air hid :wifi mouse & keyboard: english by google translate this app is useingwifi and touchscreen provides wireless keyboard and mouse(trackpad) and the numeric keypad. To use this app you must start the andreceiver on your pc. The andreceiver can download it here. Http: 8a3w2jm mouse gesture. Scroll: please trace a right edge of mouse area. Drag: please touch after tap on around the your tap point. And mouse move. If this app do not work. Please try disable to feature of privacy separator or similar features to it on your wifi router settings. Its feature may have blocking of the pc and smartphone communicate. If you need to escape key. At present you can make an esc key with 39 draw 39 function on the menu screen. How to use draw functions http: 848kpkr..

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