
Aib mobile Android App

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The description of Aib mobile: Features of the aib mobile banking app include: quick balance view your balance without the need to log in need to log in to another account? One time log in lets you do that share your account details quickly and easily view and export up to 7 years of statements travel note let aib know when your card will be used abroad got a smartwatch? Sync the app with your watch to check your quick balance on your wrist serve notice on your online deposit 7 and 21 accounts looking for a specific transaction? Search the past 24 months in historical transactions. Apply for personal loans while on the go view cancel your direct debits and standing orders get a quick overview of your spending categories in the bubbles of the my spending page reminder: if sharing your phone with a friend for one time log in remember that they can see your quick balance if that feature is turned on..

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