
Adhan for salat Android App

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adhan for salatadhan for salatadhan for salatadhan for salat
The description of Adhan for salat: Adhan alerts you to islamic prayer time and indicates the direction of qibla on a compass it can also calculate the date of the hegira. The algroithme of adhan uses the methods of calculation adopted prayers in different muslim countries you can choose the method of calculation that suits your region in the settings. Adhan indicates the direction of the qibla which is located by your gps position. For a good location you must make sure that your locale settings and your internet connection or your gps are enabled! This application is available in the following languages: deutschenglishespa olfran aisindonesiaitaliano t rk e..

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To-salat (prayer times)
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. . : . : ( ). () (12 24). Gps gps de widget 4 x 2. . ( )
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Adhan downloaderpeut tre utilis e comme aplicación ind pendante ou comme extensión de l 39 aplicación salaat first. Elle permet l 39 acc s une liste importante d 39 a..
Salat est une aplicación d 39 athan sp cialement con u pour le maroc. Sont tous les calculs effectu s au niveau de l'aplicación sont tous les horaires issus de..
Best adhan mp3
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Adhan se llama hacia fuera por un muecín de la mezquita cinco veces al día tradicionalmente desde el alminar convoca a los musulmanes para la oración obligatoria (far..
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