
4 share apps - file transfer Android App

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4 share apps - file transfer4 share apps - file transfer4 share apps - file transfer4 share apps - file transfer
The description of 4 share apps - file transfer: Share files with friends is faster than ever. 4 share apps focus on transfer files between android devices share all kinds of files whenever and wherever. Speed goes up to 20m s. No usb! No data usage! No internet needed! Main features share filesphotos videos music installed apps and any other files with unlimited file size. Backup appsbackup installed apps to sdcard by 1 click track hottest sharing appsdiscover what 39 s the hottest apps was sharing. Supported 31 languagesenglish (default) spanish arabic portuguese russian indonesian (bahasa) vietnamese italian thai persian and burmese chinese (simplified traditional) and so on. Disclaimer: make sure you have the redistribution right before share files . About facebook ads: https: m. Ads ad choices android. Permission. Camerascan qr code to connect with other device android. Permission. Get accountsget google account and set default name for 4 share apps..

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